Diagnosis and Symptoms

ASD symptoms typically appear between the ages of two and three years, although they may be evident earlier. Diagnosing autism involves taking a comprehensive history, focusing on developmental milestones and core behaviours, and observing the child in various settings. Play-based assessments are often used to identify core deficit areas.

There is no medical test, such as a blood test or scan, to diagnose autism. It is characterised by impairments in social communication, social interaction, and social imagination, along with a restricted range of interests and repetitive behaviours. Sensory sensitivities to the environment are also common.

Early Childhood Indicators

First Year of Life: In the first year, there may be few clear features of autism. However, parents should be concerned if they observe:

  • Lack of appropriate facial expressions and social smiling.
  • Poor attention and impaired social interaction.
  • Ignoring people, a preference for being alone, lack of eye contact, appropriate gestures, and emotional expression.
  • Reduced looking at others, pointing, or showing objects.

Two to Three Years: Concerns about verbal and non-verbal communication milestones may indicate autism:

  • Deficits in understanding language.
  • Unusual use of language.
  • Poor response to own name.
  • Lack of pointing.
  • Difficulty in following a point.
  • Lack of reciprocal social smiling during interactions.

Absolute Indicators for Referral

Children exhibiting the following should be referred for ASD diagnosis:

  • No babbling, pointing, or other gestures by 12 months.
  • No single words by 18 months.
  • No two-word spontaneous (non-echoed) phrases by 24 months.
  • Any loss of language or social skills at any age.

Autism and Vaccination

There is no scientific evidence linking vaccination to the causation or development of ASD. Public anxiety about the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine and autism stems from a flawed and discredited “study” by a former British doctor, who was subsequently banned from practising medicine in the UK. Both our Department of Health and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in the UK strongly reassure the safety of the MMR vaccine. To read more, please visit Autism Speaks – No MMR Autism Link.

Comprehensive Approach and Support

Addressing ASD requires a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating various therapeutic and support services. This includes Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and sensory integration therapy. Each child’s program should be tailored to their unique needs, focusing on their strengths and areas for development.

Organisations like REACH Autism emphasize the importance of understanding each child’s motivational value system and creating an optimal learning environment that uses their preferred activities as a teaching platform. Biological and dietary interventions may also play a role in some cases, addressing underlying factors that impact a child’s ability to function and learn​ (Reach Autism)​.

For more detailed information, you can visit Autism South Africa and REACH Autism.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

“Autism is not new, nor is it something to be feared. Autistic adults and children deserve acceptance, understanding, and support. At their core, autistic rights are human rights. There’s room for all different kinds of minds. Love always, not fear.” – Courtney Alison

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that arises from various medical causes and manifests through behavioural traits. It impacts the developing brain, affecting behavioural, psychological, social, communicative, and occasionally physical areas. A comprehensive approach is essential to address the full range of needs in individuals with autism, and early diagnosis and intervention are crucial.

Social Impairments

Social impairments associated with ASD include:

  • Limited or complete lack of imitative actions such as clapping.
  • Lack of demonstration with toys and other objects.
  • Unusual approach to or lack of interest in other children.
  • Minimal recognition of and responsiveness to others’ happiness or distress.
  • Limited variety of imaginative play or pretence, particularly social imagination (i.e., not joining in shared imaginary games).
  • Failure to initiate simple play with others or participate in early social games.
  • Preference for solitary play activities.
  • Odd relationships with adults (overly friendly or ignores them).

Impairment of Interests, Activities, and Other Behaviours

Indicators can include:

  • Hypersensitivity to touch or sound.
  • Irregular motor mannerisms.
  • Biting, hitting, or aggression towards peers.
  • Oppositional behaviour towards adults.
  • Preference for sameness or difficulty coping with change, especially in unstructured settings.
  • Repetitive play with toys, such as lining up objects.
  • Turning light switches on or off.